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A Grandparents Day Surprise

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I wanted to do a Grandparents Day surprise for my mom (Susan) who normally writes all of this amazing content for Over the River. So I am taking over the blog today to share a thank you from the bottom of my heart to my mom and grandparents everywhere.

I started by writing this letter just to my mom but then realized many of the things that I love about her are things represented in grandparents everywhere.

Bottom line? You bring so much value to your relationships with grandkids. Here’s a few reasons why:

You are selfless.

You have priorities.

You are fun.

You are adventurous.

You are wise.

So even though I wrote this letter to my mom as a Grandparents Day surprise, I hope as you read it, you too will know how much you are appreciated as a grandparent!

A Letter To My Mom – Grandparents Day 2020

“There’s so many things to be grateful for. As we head towards Grandparents Day, I’m thinking about all the ways I am grateful for you. Here are the five ways that just come up again and again.


“You are one of the most selfless people I have ever met. You always make time for me and my family. You work full time, you exercise, you hangout with dad and your friends, you’re organized, etc. but you always have time for others.

“I mean for crying out loud you have a stinking life, but the way you make time for me when I call or how you always have time to read Morgan a book makes me feel like you’re just sitting around waiting for us to call haha. I know that’s not true, but the fact that you drop “everything” or return the call as soon as you can makes me feel spoiled.

“I just hung up the phone after calling you a few minutes ago because my 10 moth old is driving me crazy. I’m frustrated, tired, and yet feeling so grateful because you gave me the 10 minutes I needed to talk to an adult and have someone sympathize with me. 


“Your faith is first. It’s not just something you do in the morning to have quiet time with God. It’s integrated into who you are and it shows. You’re loving, kind, generous and I love that your faith shows in the little things and during the hard times. That’s when you know its real.


“You make things fun. I love reminiscing on my childhood because I have so many memories of fun times. Even when something went “wrong”, you would make it fun. You are the mom with a deck of cards in your purse, and extra snacks. Maybe a diet Pepsi too 😉

“If something took longer than it was supposed to you would make the bad news into a fun moment somehow. You grandparent the same way and I learn so much just from watching you with Morgan.


“You’re always up for an adventure. I could call you right now and say “Want to go to IKEA later?” (which is 5 hours away) and you would actually REALLY consider it. It doesn’t take much to convince you to do things like that because you view life and these little moments as fun experiences and a great story to recall later.

“I love thinking about Grandpa Leonard too, when I think about how adventurous you are. He would seriously go for a drive just to have a little adventure and you never knew where you were going to end up. You really got this from him. 

“And speaking of adventure this trait really came in handy when you became a grandma of two. You packed up your clothes and your work in 20 minutes and drove 3 hours to be with our family when you got the call that we were heading to the hospital to have Kami.

“You spent almost a week with us keeping us slept and fed, and I will never forget how clean the house was when we came home from the hospital. I don’t know that my microwave will ever look like that again.

“You made our adventure your own and just jumped on board and did everything you could to help and bring peace and laughter to our house.


“You are wise. I mean so so wise. It’s like you just know when I need sympathy or when I need advice, or when I need a kick in the pants, or all the above. It’s truly amazing how wise you are. I attribute so much of this to your faith, but I know part of it also has to do with how willing you are to listen.

“You listen carefully. You definitely listen more than you talk (how come I didn’t get that gene passed on?) and when it’s time to respond, you do so with care. 

Happy Grandparents Day

“You bring so much value to every day life. When it comes to being a grandma I know you’re one of the best! My kids are blessed to have you in their life. If they even see just a glimpse of all the ways I am grateful for you, they will know they have one of the best grandma’s in the world.  Happy Grandparents Day mom.”

Thank you Grandparents!

Do you see it? How valuable you are? How much you matter to your family? Because I do!

Whether or not your kids have planned a Grandparents Day surprise, I hope you see the value you have. Coming from a parent of those grandkids I hope I can say for everyone, we certainly appreciate you. Your kids may do a better job of stating it more often than I do, but gosh I am grateful for grandparents – and that’s you. Now enjoy your weekend and I hope your heart remains full the entire time!

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