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Always in Style – A Grandma’s Guide to Investing Time in What Matters

Always in Style

Fall is the perfect time for me as a grandparent to review my wardrobe and make some fashion decisions! Believe it or not, the condition of our closets just might have something to do with the time we have to invest in our grandkids. I am always looking for ways to use my time well, and until a few years ago, my closet would have been the last place I would have looked!

In my younger years, I loved to shop (OK, let’s be real I still enjoy shopping!) . And I filled my closet with a wide assortment of tops, skirts, pants, dresses, athletic wear and of course lots and lots of shoes.  

During these years the number of hats I am wearing has also increased. Depending on the day, or the hour, I will need to wear my work hat, wife hat, friend hat, volunteer hat, household hat, daughter hat, mom hat (yep – still got that one!) and of course my grandparent hat. 

And these ‘hats’ are the part of my wardrobe I care the most about, especially that grandparent hat! So I do whatever I can to cut the clutter in my closet.  Less clutter means less cleaning, less organizing and less time spent trying to figure out what to wear.  It’s true!

The 10 minutes I spend deciding what to wear, or even longer if I change my mind, is time that could be spent sending off a quick letter to my grandkids, or a text to let them know I’m thinking about them.  Time spent repeatedly cleaning a closet that is too full, is time I could spend playing a virtual game, or reading stories together. Or I could put together a fun little paper doll package to send in the mail, so that the girls can have fun with their own little wardrobe. Here is a great link to a free download for DIY paper doll printables!

About five years ago, and I admit, after teasing my daughter Amanda for doing this very thing, I decided to try a capsule wardrobe. To trade out my overcrowded closet for a limited number of versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched. 

Now, unlike Amanda, my move toward more space in my closet was not an overnight change, and I don’t adhere to a rigid number of pieces. It’s been gradual, but I am loving it! 

Here are some of the positive things I am learning:

My decision fatigue is reduced. 

I’ve always got coordinated, stylish outfits ready to go.

It’s great for packing my bag for visits with grandkids. 

Maintaining an organized closet is super simple.

Shopping is so much easier, and smart shopping frees up money in the budget for other things.

I feel good, and have honestly freed up time!

If you are interested in trying out this concept, there are a lot of resources to check out. 

The bottom line is that this is about so much more than fashion. It is the continued quest to yes, look good, but to also feel good, and have the freedom to choose where we spend just a little bit more of our time.  After all investing less time in our wardrobes and more time into the places and people we love will always be in style!

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