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109 Best Grandma Names

best grandma names

Are you about to become a grandparent? Congratulations! Being a grandma is so much fun and we consider it an honor to “celebrate” with you as you get ready for this new adventure. If you’ve been thinking about what your grandma name should be we’ve compiled the best grandma names into a list for you right here! 

Some people have chosen their name based on family heritage and home language, some have known for years what they prefer to be called, and others let it happen and see what names end up sticking. 

I decided to be “grandma” unless my grandkids ended up calling me something different. Sure enough as their little vocabularies were still developing I became “Amma” because my granddaughter couldn’t pronounce parts of grandma. It’s stuck and now I know I couldn’t be anything else.

Congratulations on becoming a grandparent. It’s a wonderful role we get to fill!

Related: First Time Grandma Checklist – 21 Things Every Grandma Needs

Related: 6 Superb Ways to be a First Time Grandma

109 Best Grandma Names

  1. Abuela
  2. Amba
  3. Amma
  4. Ammy
  5. Avó
  6. Baba
  7. Babka
  8. Babs
  9. Barbie
  10. Bedstemoder
  11. Bella
  12. Bibi
  13. Birdy
  14. Bomma
  15. Boma
  16. Boo
  17. Bubbe
  18. Biddy
  19. Gaga
  20. Gam Gam
  21. Gamma
  22. Gangy
  23. G or Big G
  24. Gammie
  25. Gan Gan
  26. Gan
  27. Geema
  28. Geee
  29. GiGi
  30. Glam
  31. Glamma
  32. Glammy
  33. Golly
  34. Goofy
  35. Gugi or Googi
  36. Honey
  37. Hopie
  38. Insta Gram
  39. Jelly
  40. Kiki
  41. Kitten
  42. Kitty
  43. LaLa
  44. Leelee
  45. Lola
  46. Lolli
  47. Lolly
  48. Lucky
  49. Lovey
  50. Lovie
  51. Lula
  52. Lulu
  53. Mamaw
  54. Mameó
  55. Mamma
  56. Mamie
  57. Marmee
  58. Marmie
  59. MayMay
  60. Me-Maw
  61. Meems
  62. Mema
  63. Memaw
  64. Mia
  65. Mimi
  66. Minnow
  67. Minny
  68. Missy
  69. Moma
  70. Momo
  71. Moo
  72. Moo Moo
  73. Mozie or Mozey
  74. Mumu
  75. Mumsy
  76. Mumzie
  77. Mémé
  78. Nan
  79. Nana
  80. Nani
  81. Nenek
  82. Nonna
  83. Nono
  84. Ona
  85. Oma
  86. Ouma
  87. Pipp
  88. Pippa
  89. Queen
  90. Queenie
  91. Sassy
  92. Savta
  93. Sugar
  94. Sweetie
  95. Sweetums
  96. Taffy
  97. TeaMa
  98. Tippi
  99. Toffee
  100. Tootsie
  101. Tut
  102. Tutu
  103. Two Mamma
  104. Yaya
  105. Yiayia
  106. Zaza
  107. Zippy
  108. Zozo
  109. Zuzie

The best grandma names are the ones your grandchildren choose. Their sweet little voice calling your name and giving you a big squeeze will be what you remember. 

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