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Easy Connections Care Package

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8 Low Cost & Easy Prep Activities You Can Mail

A couple of months ago, we were talking about Christmas gifts, and what would our families appreciate. A friend said, “Do you know what a wonderful gift would be? The gift of a slow morning.”

She still has young kids. With all it takes to get kids ready for the day, breakfast served, lunches prepped, and all the extracurricular stuff ready to go, I heard her loud and clear.

It also reminded me of a survey that I ran across a short time ago indicating families only spend 37 minutes together on weekdays.   It’s no wonder the thought of a slow morning is high on my friend’s list.

Of course, I filter everything through my grandparenting lens (or multifocal contacts these days!) and began to process…..if families have so little time, what can I as a grandparent do to 1. give them some easy ways to have fun together that are already planned and prepped, and 2. make the most of my minutes when it’s ‘my turn’ to connect!

I tend to love the activities that require movement and timers and maybe a little competition, but this time (in honor of my friend), I’m going with the slow it down, no end in mind kind of activity that we can do in person or virtually.

I think these will also be great to use when Amanda needs a little time to get dinner going or work on one of her many work or home tasks. I’m excited to get this box on its journey to their home!

This care package will contain:

1. Sponges

A container of sponges, cut into strips and shapes, to create towers or whatever scene they have in their creative minds.

2. Sandpaper & Yarn

A couple of pieces of sandpaper and yarn cut into various lengths.  They’ll be able to make some amazing designs that will stay in place, and their dad can have the sandpaper for his DIY home projects when they are done with it. 

3. Velcro and Foam Chains

This will require a little prep on the grandparent end.  Purchase foam sheets, and cut them into strips, placing velcro on each end. You can use the self-adhesive type, or adhere it with a glue gun. 

Your grandkids can make all kinds of fun creations…long chains, chains coming off of chains, work with patterning colors…so much fun. 

I’ve also seen a button chain created by cutting strips of felt, sewing a button on one end, and cutting a slit in the other.  Fine motor skill building at its best!

4. Play-doh

The purchased kind, or your favorite homemade version.

5. Q-tips

Your grandkids can create a maze/path with the q-tips for their play figures or toy cars to navigate.

6. Paper for Origami

Paper folding has always been a hit with kids we’ve worked with. Here’s a heart to get you started!

7. Boxed Baking

I’m going to toss in a couple of muffin mixes. Amanda and the girls love to bake, but don’t always have time. I also think muffins are a yummy part of a slow morning!

8. A Special Note

Send a copy of this blog, and a note explaining your thoughts. Mine will say something like this: 

“Dear Amanda, I have read recently how few minutes families have to just hang out with their kids. I know life can feel so fast-paced for you. My hope is that the items in this box might be fun for you guys to enjoy when you do have a few minutes, but you don’t have a few minutes to come up with something to do. 

Also – I’ve got a matching box here at my house, so perhaps the kids and I could also do a zoom time and try a few things out while you have a moment to do something else. Just let me know!  Cheering you on as you raise those awesome girls of yours!

Time Flies

It is so true that as time goes by, it also flies by faster and faster! I hope this year to be intentional with my own minutes so that I’m ready to connect with my granddaughters, and also able to help them make the most of the minutes they have together as a family.

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