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2021 Grandparent Goals

Welcome 2021!  There is something so satisfying about taking down last year’s calendar and replacing it with a fresh new one – one without any of the squares filled in.  Wait…..most of my 2020 calendar looks like I didn’t even use it! 

I’ve heard so many comments about 2020. Comments like “Let’s just pretend 2020 didn’t exist.” “Thank goodness 2020 has finally come to an end.”  “Did 2020 even count?” or the harsh “Let’s just shred last year’s calendar.”.

Yep, 2020 was incredibly tough. Especially the times we weren’t able to visit family and see our sweet grandkids in person.  But hear me – 2020 counted. And the way we reflect on 2020 will affect the way we move into, and set goals for 2021!

Here at Over the River we believe that our relationship with our grandkids is multifaceted. In order to have the healthiest relationship with them, we need to also be in a healthy place with their parents, and with ourselves.  And there’s no better time to set some healthy goals for ourselves than right now!

I went through an exercise the other day that I found extremely helpful and thought I would share it with you. It’s super simple, and really helped me to see what my goals could be for this new year!

Look Back on 2020

We learned a lot in 2020 – about ourselves, our work, our family and our faith. We just need to have the eyes to see it. I have heard so many times, you will find what you are looking for. If we focus on all the hard times in 2020 I’m sure we could fill a book. But let’s focus instead on what was good in 2021. The list might be much shorter, but take a moment and write those things down. For example, my list would include things such as family has been in good health, we learned new ways to use technology, and that I had opportunities to pick up an old hobby.  Your list can be one thing or many. The point is to find something good from 2020 to carry with you into the new year.

Look Ahead to 2021

Next, write out some things you need and want in 2021. These aren’t resolutions so there is no pressure! On my list is to visit Mt St Helens, read some great fiction books, gain clarity on some future decisions, do a better job at resting, have the grandkids here for a few days, connect with them more consistently.…and more!

Define Your Win

Now that you’ve got some ‘wants’ in your mind, take a bit of time and craft a sentence or two that would define what a successful 2021 would look like.  For me, it could be something like “Having the margin and energy to be creative and to consistently do the activities I enjoy, especially with my grandkids.” Also, because I’m more active I can rest without guilt!

Dream Big

Now, it’s time to take those wants & needs, along with your vision for success and list your big dreams! I could put ‘finish certifications for work” and “Do a 20 mile hike pain free.” “Launch new products for Over the River!” “Take my granddaughter Morgan on an overnight adventure.” Make your list. Dream big, and write those dreams on paper. Remember these are dreams – if they happen, great! If they only partially happen, or happen on a smaller scale – that’s better than if we never dream at all!


Based on all that you have written down, determine what needs to be prioritized. Pick 3-5 areas that are most important to focus on. Say to yourself,  If I do nothing else, I want to accomplish ‘this’!  For example, connect consistently, gain energy, finish certification could be my three areas of focus.

Set Your Goals

Now it’s finally time to set those goals!  Take a look at your priorities, and write out your goals. Every goal should be specific, measurable, and have a time limit. 

On of my goals in my priority of connecting consistently with the grandkids could be to ‘send a postcard to Morgan once a month, by the 15th of each month’.  For Kami I might work with her mom (my daughter) to set the goal of ‘Read one story over FaceTime before each weekend’.

Now It’s YOUR Turn!

What did you learn in 2020? How will you define succes in 2021? What are your dreams for this new year? We hope that as you spend some time focusing in on those larger parameters, that it will help you clearly see the priorities and goals that will take you far in this new year!

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