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Long Distance Grandparenting Mindset

long distance grandparenting

11 Things I Choose to Focus On and You Should Too

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my long distance grandparenting friends out there! 

After mailing off my granddaughter’s little Valentine’s box years ago, I decided to count the ways that I loved long distance grandparenting (but yes, I would’ve traded it all if they could have just lived next door).

Making a list of the things I truly enjoyed as a long-distance grandparent (and still do) helped me focus on the positive instead of focusing on another holiday spent virtually.

I won’t sugarcoat it. I’ve been a long-distance grandparent for five years and there are plenty of days I miss them terribly.

I’ve also discovered how to remain an active role in their lives.

It starts with your mindset. I know it’s hard (especially during the early days) but focus on the GOOD!

In no particular order, I have grown to love the following:

Are there things that came to mind as you read that list? I encourage you to write them down! Re-visit that list when you need a reminder.

READ: 5 Postage Worthy Valentine Ideas for Grandkids

I hope that even as you are miles away from your grandkids, you will celebrate the special things that still happen in your relationship.

Choose to love being a long-distance grandparent and invest your time to bridge the distance!

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