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Quick Guide: Three Essentials for Your Next Self-care Check in

Self-care check in

Self-care check in

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Grandparents make a difference in the lives of grandchildren. But I believe that intentional grandparenting has the potential to make an incredible difference!  I also believe that intentional grandparenting is a whole lot easier when we do a self-care check in on these three essential areas: mental, physical, and spiritual.

I find that each new season is the perfect time to do a little assessment of each of those areas, and make some changes if needed.  It’s been a crazy Spring in my world, and I have let some things slide. Well…to be honest, a lot of things!

This lack of taking care of myself results in me feeling sluggish and a bit melancholy.  I’m anxious to hit the reset button and wanted to share a few things that we all may find helpful.

Self-care Check in Essential #1 – Mental

Zap those negative thoughts friends!

We have a little bug catcher outside near our patio seating area. It’s amazing how many little bugs it catches! Hmmm…..can I learn a lesson from this little contraption? I think so! I need to do a better job of ’catching’ and stopping negative thoughts in their tracks!

Lately, I have allowed some thoughts to creep into my mind trying to convince me that because I don’t see the grandkids that often, maybe I am losing ground in our relationship.

Now hear me loud and clear when I say I really don’t believe that is true!

After all, we created Over the River to cheer on grandparents making a difference no matter where they live in relation to their grandkids! But we all have our down days, right?

So to shut these little thoughts down, I am going to:

Essential #2 -Nutrition/Fitness

Get back on track!

Physically, I have fallen off the exercise and nutrition train.  Projects around the home, caring for parents, and crazy schedules have had a major impact on my attention to those areas.  I know I am not at my best in any area of my life when I’m not taking care of myself physically, so I am doing the following:

Self-care Check in Essential #3 – Spiritual

The practice of praying and reading my Bible each day helps me understand how to care for and treat people well.

I also think it buoys my own spirit! 

Typically I choose a new Bible study at the beginning of each season, and I’ve got my summer study ordered and on the way! It’s called Summer In the Psalms – a 40 Day Devotional.

I’ll be encouraged to think through the following questions each day…what am I learning about God’s character? How do I see God around me? And what is one action step I can take today based on what I am learning? 

These areas of life are far too important to ignore! I know that each time I do a little self-care check in and take a good look at these three essential areas, the positive changes spill over into my relationships with those around me, most importantly with my grown kids and my grandkids.

Our families will be blessed right along with us as we pursue health this Summer!

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