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5 Simple Prayers to Kickstart a Lifestyle of Gratitude
Everyone was right. As the years go by, time goes faster and faster. It is hard to believe that the calendar has been turned to November again. November feels like it literally calls out to us to express gratitude. Yet, as those days and hours fly by, it is easy to miss this practice unless we make it part of the rhythm of our day. So to get us all started we are sharing five gratitude prayers that can be used throughout the day for the month of November and beyond!
Iโve been learning a lot about living in the present, and I believe that as a long-distance grandparent, not doing so can be a hindrance to the practice of gratitude as well as a hindrance to my personal, and our relational health.
How much time do I spend lamenting the distance, or wishing we could be together for this or that?
How much time do I spend focusing ahead on the next visit?
When I spend my time dividing my life up into things I wish to celebrate and things I wish were different or would rather forget, I lose the ability to be grateful for all – the good and the bad – that has brought me to this present moment.
The following gratitude prayers and simple application questions will help us look at each day through a lens of gratitude.
Iโm excited to begin!
And no worries, if you arenโt a praying person, the exercise of gratitude is definitely for everyone, simply move on to the application portion of each prayer.

Morning Gratitude Prayer
โDear God, thank you for this day. Thank you for the gift of life today. Help me notice, express, and appreciate that my body is up and moving for this brand new day! Amen.”
Select one part of your body, and consider all it helps you do!
Drivetime Gratitude Prayer
โDear God, thank you for this physical world we live in. The waterways, the sun, the stars, flowers, trees, and little creatures too! Amen.”
As you are out and about take note of one part of creation that brings you joy today.
Mealtime Gratitude Prayer
“Dear God, thank you for your provision. Thank you for this place to live, and the food we have to eat! Amen.”
What is on your plate, or in your home that you can express specific gratitude for today?
Family and Friends
“Dear God, thank you for blessing me with family and friends, and the love, support, and fun they bring to my life. Amen.”
Consider the special people in your life. Choose someone to be grateful for today.
What is one trait they have or a memorable moment you have shared that you can be grateful for?
You can even call or text them and let them know!
Related: 5 Day Back to School Prayer for My Grandkids
Bedtime Gratitude Prayer
“Dear God, thank you for the direction and wisdom you provided today. Thank you for the rest and peace you bring. Amen.”
Thinking back over your day, choose one thing to express specific gratitude for.
We hope these simple prayers are the perfect way to kickstart a rhythm of gratitude, and even some conversations about gratitude with your grown kids and grandkids this month and in the months ahead.
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward