I don’t think I can count how many times in the last couple of weeks….months….maybe even longer, I have heard someone say, “Why can’t everyone just be nice to each other?“
It really does seem that our society as a whole has lost much of its ability to be kind.
I also don’t think I can count how many times in the last couple of weeks….months…maybe even longer, I have heard about an act of kindness that made a huge difference in someone’s day! There is definitely good in the world!
We can’t change society in one big kindness proclamation (Oh I wish we could!), but we can commit to being kind ourselves, and to modeling and encouraging kindness in the next generation….and the generation after that – our grandkids!
We’re excited about February’s edition of Timely Tips where we will focus on kindness. We just released it in the shop!
As I’ve been studying up and preparing resources I reviewed quite a few potential books to recommend. I found a few I just love, and can’t wait to share them with you.
I’ve already shared the titles with Amanda, and she has a couple of the books on hold at their local library. I ordered the third (A Sick Day For Amos McGee) and it will be here this Friday! Yay!
In This Post
Long Distance Story Time
We have lots of different versions of long-distance storytime.
We use facetime or zoom to read the story. Sometimes I have a book, and sometimes we both have the book and read ‘together’.
I have also recorded stories, like an audiobook, using the record feature on my phone and then sending them their way.
It’s a little feature we like to call “Amma’s Audibles”.
If I know they have the same book and might like to follow along I add a little ‘ding!’ sound to cue them to turn the page.
After a few times through a story, Morgan likes to ‘read’ the book to me too! It’s delightful!
We have also found that some of the stories we enjoy are available on YouTube. It’s fun hearing a new take on an old favorite!
Kindness Books
1. Have You Filled a Bucket Today, by Carol McCloud
This book explains in such a simple way how our words and actions affect others, and ourselves as well using the analogy of a bucket.
We can be bucket dippers or bucket fillers.
This story has the potential to be a springboard for great conversation. It’s a great word picture that I think my 5-year-old granddaughter will quickly embrace.
It’s also a great word picture for me! I want to be a bucket filler!
Find the read aloud on Youtube
2. A Sick Day For Amos McGee, Philip Stead
What a delightful story!
Amos spends a bit of time each day with his friends at the zoo. He understands them and cares for them, giving each the attention they need.
Then, one day, Amos gets sick and can’t go to the zoo.
What do all the animals do? They head for Amos’ house in a collective act of kindness.
We were able to visit a Zoo in Oregon together last Fall, and this will be a fun follow-up book.
Plus the illustrations will keep them finding ‘something new’ with every reading!
Find the read aloud on Youtube
(Start at 31 seconds to skip introduction)
3. Thank You, Omu, by Oge Mora
Just the backstory of this book made me a fan.
The author notes that “Omu” means ‘queen’ in the language of her parents, but as she was growing up, she used the name for her grandmother.
This book was inspired by the strong female role models of her childhood.
In this story, Omu makes a delicious stew and ends up sharing it with most of the neighborhood.
When it comes time for her dinner, the stew is already gone, and the knocks at her door continue. But to her eventual delight, the neighbors are all back…..to return the favor – bringing food for all to share!
It’s a great book, with a wonderful message to us all.
Find the read aloud on YouTube
I hope you enjoy and find these stories as inspirational as I did.
Now – all you bucket filling grandparents, let’s go spread some kindness, one story, one conversation, and one connection at a time!
P.S. If your looking for more conversation starter ideas as a way to stay connected with your grandchild then check out the free resource below!