A day of celebration, including dancing, parades, and a lot of green! I have to be honest, sometimes I miss this one, even though I have a wee bit o’ Irish in my family. But grandkids tend to bring out the fun in me, so I’ve been thinking and searching for some easy and free St Patricks Day activities.

In This Post
1. Green Art Collage
Literally green. Gather up all the green art supplies you have around the house, and have the grandkids do the same.
Or you could send them a little envelope full ahead of time.
Green paper, pipe cleaners, buttons, yarn, green crayons, and colored pencils.
Then have fun creating your green collage in honor of St. Patricks Day.
2. Hunting for that Pot of Gold
We always love the search and find facetime we have together. Last time I sent pictures of clovers, rainbows, Lucky Charms, and a pot of gold for the parents to hide.
There are so many variations of this game that it stays fresh every time!
READ: 10 Things to Mail Your Grandchildren in the Spring
3. St Patricks Day Word Scramble
Fun for older kids!
Choose a few St Patrick Day themed words, mix the letters up, and ask them to figure out what the actual word is.
You could simply text them the scrambled words, or mail them written on some green paper.
Clover-shaped paper for extra credit!
Here are some for you to try yourselves (answers at the end of the post):
4. How many words can you make?
Again – super fun for older grandkids.
Take those same words that you scrambled, and challenge them to see how many words they can make out of the letters.
For example, from the word clover, they might find love, cove, role, and clove!
5. Do an Irish Dance
Did you know you can find instructions for Irish Dance steps on youtube?
Check this site out for some super simple instructions.
I must confess for me this is one of those ‘what you think you look like’ vs ‘what you really look like’ performances, but I am quite sure that when I turn on a fun Irish tune, the grandkids aren’t going to care.
We’re just going to dance away!
6. St Patricks Day Discussion Starters
While you are celebrating, here are a few fun discussion starters:
If you found a pot of gold, what would you do?
Name the closest green object to you right now.
Do you have a favorite green food?
Would you rather have green lips or green fingers, and why?
READ: Conversation Starters for your Middle & High School Grandkids
As we’re talking about all these fun and free st patricks day activities to try with your grandkids, don’t forget your adult kids too!
As always, we hope you will create some wonderful memories from the moments you share celebrating with your family.
As we sign off today, we want to share this Irish blessing with you…
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Answers: (March, leprechaun, parade, clover, Ireland, seventeen)