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Ultimate Guide to Countdowns

“1…2….3….go!” That phrase is often used before our granddaughter jumps off the bottom stair, sends her car rolling down the hall, or gets pulled sled style by her uncle through the hallway. 

It’s sort of a reverse countdown, but it’s her way of marking time and letting everyone know that something awesome is about to happen.

Countdowns.  They’ve been used for decades. Used for momentous events such as the launch of Apollo 11, New Years Eve (especially Y2K!), and royal weddings.

They’re also used for more personal things like summer break, vacation, the end of chemo, March Madness, or even the cookies in the oven. 

Not everything goes as quickly as the above mentioned 1,2,3, go!  Especially for preschoolers, life is divided into ‘now’ and ‘not now’.

Talk of a visit to grandma’s next week or starting pre-school ‘soon’can be a tough concept to grasp, and can create the endless ‘to grandma’s house now?’ or ‘I go to preschool today?’ 

Finding ways to count down is especially important for little ones, but is fun for all ages!

Countdowns are a fun way for grandparents and grandkids to connect while waiting for a special moment in time.

That moment may be the beginning of some actual time together, or something exciting in the grandchild’s life such as starting school, celebrating a birthday, getting a driver’s license or going on a family vacation.

I know you may be thinking “How do we do countdowns with grandkids when we don’t live near each other?”

Great long distance options for you to consider:

  1. Duplicate the countdown activity and mail supplies to your grandkids, (make sure the grownups in their house are on board with this!).
  2. Use one countdown either at your house or theirs, and connect via facetime, a Google/Alexa device, or simply text pics as the days go by.

Some things to keep in mind as you get ready to countdown

3 Physical Countdowns You Can Make

  1. Paper ChainsPaper chains are a classic countdown so we couldn’t leave it out of the fun! Cut strips of paper (1 inch thick) for each day you’d like to countdown. Link them together.  Then remove a chain each day until the anticipated day arrives.
  2. Garland or Pennant Banner Find some paper with a fun design (maybe a pattern that goes with whatever your countdown is for!) and make a garland or pennant banner to help count the days,  Have creative grandchildren?  Use blank paper and let them decorate the banner to their liking.  
  3. Balloons – Some kids love them, some don’t.  If yours do, then in keeping with the anticipation theme, theres nothing quite like waiting for the POP of a ballon.  Blow up as many balloons as you’d like, number them, and then pop one each day signaling one day closer to your celebration.  

Electronic Countdowns to Use (Great for older grandkids!)

Instagram has made it possible to include countdowns in our stories! Follow the instructions in this Youtube video, or maybe have your grandkids set a countdown on their own story for you to follow. Perfect for so many events!

Whether you make a countdown yourself, or purchase one, we highly recommend selecting something that goes along with your theme and is fun to play with beyond the countdown itself if possible.  

Happy countdowns!

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