Are you about to become a grandparent? Congratulations! Being a grandma is so much fun and we consider it an honor to “celebrate” with you as you get ready for this new adventure. If you’ve been thinking about what your grandma name should be we’ve compiled the best grandma names into a list for you right here!

Some people have chosen their name based on family heritage and home language, some have known for years what they prefer to be called, and others let it happen and see what names end up sticking.
I decided to be “grandma” unless my grandkids ended up calling me something different. Sure enough as their little vocabularies were still developing I became “Amma” because my granddaughter couldn’t pronounce parts of grandma. It’s stuck and now I know I couldn’t be anything else.
Congratulations on becoming a grandparent. It’s a wonderful role we get to fill!
Related: First Time Grandma Checklist – 21 Things Every Grandma Needs
Related: 6 Superb Ways to be a First Time Grandma
109 Best Grandma Names
- Abuela
- Amba
- Amma
- Ammy
- Avó
- Baba
- Babka
- Babs
- Barbie
- Bedstemoder
- Bella
- Bibi
- Birdy
- Bomma
- Boma
- Boo
- Bubbe
- Biddy
- Gaga
- Gam Gam
- Gamma
- Gangy
- G or Big G
- Gammie
- Gan Gan
- Gan
- Geema
- Geee
- GiGi
- Glam
- Glamma
- Glammy
- Golly
- Goofy
- Gugi or Googi
- Honey
- Hopie
- Insta Gram
- Jelly
- Kiki
- Kitten
- Kitty
- LaLa
- Leelee
- Lola
- Lolli
- Lolly
- Lucky
- Lovey
- Lovie
- Lula
- Lulu
- Mamaw
- Mameó
- Mamma
- Mamie
- Marmee
- Marmie
- MayMay
- Me-Maw
- Meems
- Mema
- Memaw
- Mia
- Mimi
- Minnow
- Minny
- Missy
- Moma
- Momo
- Moo
- Moo Moo
- Mozie or Mozey
- Mumu
- Mumsy
- Mumzie
- Mémé
- Nan
- Nana
- Nani
- Nenek
- Nonna
- Nono
- Ona
- Oma
- Ouma
- Pipp
- Pippa
- Queen
- Queenie
- Sassy
- Savta
- Sugar
- Sweetie
- Sweetums
- Taffy
- TeaMa
- Tippi
- Toffee
- Tootsie
- Tut
- Tutu
- Two Mamma
- Yaya
- Yiayia
- Zaza
- Zippy
- Zozo
- Zuzie
The best grandma names are the ones your grandchildren choose. Their sweet little voice calling your name and giving you a big squeeze will be what you remember.