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In This Post
Grandparenting in 2021 with Over the River
January 15th was a great day at Over the River! It marked our annual retreat (can you say all day Zoom Meeting?!) to do some inspirational thinking and conversing about this continuing grandparenting journey. We have to tell you, time flew by! We are truly excited about the year ahead.
Our vision for Over the River is to inspire and equip you to build relationships with your grown kids, your grandkids, and to become your best self. And that vision was the filter for each and every blog post written in our 2021 planner.
Quick Wins With Your Grandkids
You know we like to say that moments turn into memories. Well we’re keeping the ideas flowing to help you make that happen – both virtually and in person. Last week we sent out ‘5 Minute Connection Ideas’, a post loaded with simple ways to quickly connect with your grands whether you are near or far. We were actually able to visit our granddaughter this weekend and used the puzzle challenge idea – what a hit!
Holidays and Special Occasions
When you need an idea for Valentine’s Day, Easter, the 4th of July and beyond we’ll have you covered (we’re already excited for Christmas!). Will you have some extended time with the Grandkids this summer? We’re planning our 2nd annual Camp Amma and will share our plan with you! Unexpected time with the grandkids? Be on the lookout for our Creativity Series this summer.
Your Best You
We’ll be learning important things about our families and ourselves – what makes each of us ‘tick’ as individuals. We’ll be sharing concrete ideas about how to be kind to ourselves and others (because let’s face it, some days this can be hard!). And we’ll be encouraging you to take care of you, in all areas of your life, so that you can be the best grandma ever!
Free Challenges!
We’ll also be offering Challenges! Last year’s Gratitude Challenge was a delight to both provide, and to participate in, and it will be back for sure! But who wants to wait for November? Be on the lookout for a challenge this April to get your grandparenting game in full swing! Just like the gratitude challenge, it will be free, and prizes will definitely be part of the plan.
Planning – a new love language?
If we were to sum it up, we would quote Pinterest Predicts and say that 2021 is going to be a year full of “little moments of big love”! Pinterest also predicts that ‘planning is the new love language’. And while you won’t find that particular language in our upcoming Love Languages blog post, we do have to agree with the premise that being intentional about relationships brings results!
I am loving using my Nana Planner. You might think that someone who runs a grandparenting blog would just naturally get all this family stuff integrated into life, but I will be the first to say it’s not exactly true, which is a big reason we created the planner. Just writing down family notes and planning out a few connections is already making a difference in both the type and frequency of our connection times.
We are so grateful to all of you who purchased through Convert Kit. The planner can now be found in our OverTheRiverLife Etsy shop. We’ve checked some sources and found that Office Max is a great place to have the planner printed (we used black and white – looks great – printed and bound for under $15 with an online coupon.) We’ve also added a single page version to the shop– perfect for printing week after week.
Resources Coming Your Way!
We’re planning lots of free downloads that correspond with our blog posts, and we’re also excited to add plenty of really valuable grandparenting resources to our Etsy store, one at a time, throughout the year.
We can’t wait to partner with you in this ‘little moments of big love’ campaign of 2021!